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IRCC invites 1400 applicants in the latest French proficiency Draw

It is the second draw this week by the Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The Canada Government on 24th April 2024 conducted a Draw and it has issued invitations to apply (ITAs) to Express Entry candidates and has targetted individuals with proficiency in French.  There was a total of 1,400 ITAs issued in this category-based selection draw. And the   candidates required having a minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of 410 to qualify.

The Key Highlights of the Draw – French Proficiency 


  • ITA – 1400
  • CRS score  - 410 

Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada
This draw comes shortly after a broader draw on April 23. It was a general draw where IRCC extended invitations to 2,095 candidates with a minimum CRS score of 529. Notably, this score reflects a 20-point decrease from the previous general draw held on April 10, where the cut-off score stood at 549, marking the highest minimum score of the year thus far.
Earlier in the month, on April 11, IRCC conducted another draw targeting Express Entry candidates eligible for category-based selection within STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) occupations. During this draw, 4,500 candidates were invited to apply, with a minimum CRS requirement of 491.

What can be speculated from the latest IRCC’s Draws?
These draws demonstrate IRCC's commitment to employing a flexible approach in selecting candidates for immigration to Canada. The IRCC can now be seen taking into account various factors such as language proficiency and occupation type. By issuing ITAs through both general and category-based selection draws there seems to be a scenario where the IRCC is aiming to attract skilled individuals who can contribute to Canada's economy and society across a range of fields.

There have been fluctuations in CRS cut-off scores and it pinpoints to the dynamic nature of the Express Entry system. TheCRs scores are being adjusted in response to factors such as program demand and the composition of candidate profiles. Overall with these draws we can understand there is an ongoing effort on the part of the Canadian Government to welcome talented individuals from around the world. Thereby ensuring the country remains competitive in the global talent market while meeting its immigration goals.


Summary of the Express Entry Draws – 2024 

Date ITA CRS score
Jan 10 1510 546
Jan 23 1040 543
Jan 31 730 541
1 Feb 7000 365 ( French language)
13 Feb 1490 535
14 Feb 3500 422 ( Healthcare Occupations)
16 Feb 150 437 ( Agriculture and Agro- foods)
28 Feb 1470 534
1 March 2500 336 ( French Speaking category)
12 March 2,850 525
13 March 975 430 ( Transport)
25 March 1980 524
26 March 1500 388 ( French Language)
10 April 1280 549
11 April 4500 491 (STEM)
23 April 2095 529
24 April 1400 410 ( French Speaking Category)


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