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As soon as the man steps into the world the first people he comes across are his family members. When we are disillusioned from the outer world, want to share our happiness ,achievements, tensions ,family is always there to back on. Whenever we work ,we work for the better life of our family ,our near and dear ones so why to live far from them. You can sponsor your spouse, common-law partner or any other eligible relatives to come and live with you in Canada

To be eligible to sponsor you should

  • Above 18 years of age
  • Be Canadian citizen or Permanent resident
  • Be able to support the sponsored family members financially in their initial stay period and the duration of support varies from 3 to 10 years depending upon the relationship that you hold with the family member.

Note: If you have sponsored any person in the past who has asked government for financial support after coming to Canada ,you may not be able to sponsor any other person

Eligibility of Spouse

  • Should be above 18 years of age
  • Should be legally married or in a common law relationship.
  • Should have a marriage certificate issued by the state,territory or provincial government if the marriage has taken place in Canada.
  • If the marriage has taken place outside Canada then it should be valid as per the country law where the ceremony has taken place and the Canadian law. .However If the marriage ceremony has taken place in the embassy or Consulate then it should be valid as per the law of the country where ceremony has conducted rather than the country represented by Embassy Or Consulate.
  • Should not have any Criminal convictions ,offences or suffer from any critical health condition.

Eligibility of Dependent Child

  • Should be less than 22 yrs age and don’t have any spouse and common law partner
  • Over 22 years of Age but should satisfied either of two conditions Mention below
    • Should be engaged full time ongoing study
    • Should be financially dependent on parents since before 22 yrs of age
  • If a child has a spouse or common law partner before turning 22 then he should :-
    • Should be engaged full time ongoing study
    • Should be financially dependent on parents since they become spouse and common law partner.
  • If the child is over 22 yrs of Age he should be financially dependent on parents due to physical or mental conditions.

Eligibility of other sponsored relative

  • Brothers or sisters, nephews or nieces, granddaughters or grandsons who are orphaned, under 18 years of age and not married or in a common-law relationship
  • Another relative of any age or relationship but only under specific conditions (see Note below)
  • Accompanying relatives of the above (for example, spouse, partner and dependent children).

Note: Note: You can sponsor one relative regardless of age or relationship only if you do not have a living spouse or common-law partner, conjugal partner, a son or daughter, parent, grandparent, sibling, uncle, aunt, nephew or niece who could be sponsored as a member of the family class, and you do not have any relative who is a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident or registered as an Indian under the Indian Act.

As of March 19 2024 , spouses and partners of international students are only eligible for a SOWP if their sponsor is enrolled in a master's or doctorate program at a Canadian university or polytechnic.


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